I too have been in the grip of The Crown, which I finally dove into after 4 consecutive re-watches Call The Midwife, a show that takes place during the same time period in England in one of the poorest areas of the city. Cross-referencing between the two shows has been fascinating. I am excited to dive into season 4. I think that my reliance on British period shows as problematic comfort food started with Harry Potter, which caught me before I was old enough to think critically about media (other than to look at the goblin bankers as a Jewish child and say hmm.) I want to try and make a lot of holiday cookies this year since I will have more time to bake than ever before, so I will be adding banana cookies to my list. xoxox matilda

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I think that the HP series got its tenderhooks into many of us young... I have heard so many good things about Call the Midwife, so will have to begin my own cross reference... --SB

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